Profil użytkownika

Alain C. (0) ID Użytkownika: 792116

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Data rejestracji: 02-04-2018

Zlecone ostatnio przesyłki:

Transport Samochodów
Transport z Fagerstrand, Norwegia
Transport do Gaiole in Chianti, Włochy

Working car

Transport Samochodów
Transport z Malmedy, Belgia
Transport do Gaiole in Chianti, Włochy


Transport Palet
Transport z Oslo, Norwegia
Transport do Mediolan, Włochy

If it is cheaper I can deliver the pallet to deposit in Oslo or to border with Sweden .

Transport Palet
Transport z Oslo, Norwegia
Transport do Gaiole in Chianti, Włochy

If cheaper I can also take the pallet to any deposit in southern Norway or to the border with Sweden