What pets are transported and where?

According to the analysis of thousands animal transport advertisements listed in years 2012-2015 and visible in online transport marketplace Clicktrans, Poles usually outsource transportation of a dog or puppy from Poland to the UK. The cost of transporting a pet to the British Isles is 792 PLN on average. Although dogs are still the most popular category of animal transport, their share has been steadily declining for… cats. In 2014 there was a 70% increase of interest in transporting cats abroad, a similar trend maintained in 2015.
Statistics clearly show the following trends in transport: Poles outsource the transportation of animals to those European Union countries which are the most popular trends of emigration. The most popular destinations are the Western countries: the United Kingdom (63%), Ireland (12%), Germany (7%). In recent years, there appeared Spain (3%), the Netherlands (3%), France (2%), Norway (2%) and Italy (2%).

Interestingly, there was a significant decrease in the number of animal transportation orders to sunny Spain. In the years 2013-2015, the interest in this category dropped by as much as 30%.

Dogs are the most frequently transported animals. As regards the most popular breeds that are transported by Polish people, there are six of them: york (12%), Labrador (10%), shih-tzu (7%), German shepherd (4%), miniature pinscher (4%) and Maltese (4%).

pet transport

Na blogu piszę o różnych aspektach transportu oraz o tym jak obniżyć jego koszty i sensownie go organizować. Interesuje mnie ekologiczne oblicze transportu i to jak w skali mikro możemy mieć na nie wpływ. Od 2010 roku rozwijam serwis aukcji transportowych Clicktrans.pl.

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